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2024 AGM & Agenda Announced!Click for Details

Association of BC College
Pension Plan Retirees

Representing retired instructors and administrators from
BC colleges, universities and educational institutes.

COLA for 2024 4.4%

Full details can be found by clicking the button.
Scroll down the page and you’ll see information about the Cost of Living Adjustments.

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Welcome to The Association of British Columbia College Pension Plan Retirees’ website. As our name suggests, the CPPR represents retired members of the BC College Pension Plan, in other words retired instructors and administrators from some of BC’s universities and from the Colleges and Institutes.

Our Mandate is to advocate on behalf of our members and through our affiliations with other seniors’ groups on behalf of seniors in general. We also offer our members access to group insurance programs.

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You are invited to join the Association of British Columbia College Pension Plan Retirees (CPPR). CPPR offers Advocacy for and Service to BC retired post-secondary educators and administrators.

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Prime Time Newsletter

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National Pensioners Federation

NPF: advocacy for equitable Federal benefits

Greetings Members and Affiliate Leaders,

As you are aware many of us have been pressing for equitable distribution of federal benefits to seniors with regard to the recent announcement of the OAS increase for seniors 75+years of age.

I believe that the heat is on and we must continue to get some resolve to this unjust decision from the Federal Liberals. Will it be an election issue? Division lines among seniors are not in our best interest and we cannot allow the government to begin on this slippery slope.

This brings me to share the Minister of Seniors announced town hall and hope you will join to express your displeasure. We can create change where we place our attentions…together we can make this right.

See below the announced Live town hall on seniors’ issues Aug. 11, 10:30 AM- Update from Canada’s Minister of Seniors, Deb Schulte// Please consider joining us in our advocacy.

Best regards,

Trish McAuliffe
President, National Pensioners Federation

Get the complete information including an update from Canada’s Minister of Seniors, Deb Schulte

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Many of our affiliate organizations lobbied for the extension of 2019 tax filing for seniors to ensure the GIS payments came through uninterrupted due to the closures of Tax Clinics across the country. The Federal government has responded and provided this information for us to share.

CPP Pension Fact Sheet

Click below to download this useful PDF.

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Pension Plan Cheque Payment Dates (2022)

Visit the College Pension Plan web site to review all of these important dates and other information.

Visit Web Site

Current Issues

Keep up to date on what’s happening and what’s important to our CPPR members today. If you would like more information about a news item or issue, please send us a note.

Get in Touch

Take the pledge to support public health care!

Despite Medicare win, we have been dragged back into the courts by Dr. Day and his supporters as they appeal the previous decision.

Medicare will be back on trial at the BC Court of Appeal in June 2021. We will be there to defend it and we need your support.

Parliament must step up and protect vulnerable pensioners

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that Canada’s social structures don’t protect seniors, and that includes their financial security. Pension protection is critical to the financial security of millions of seniors, and Parliament is finally in a position to offer vulnerable seniors that protection.

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